1920s Martintown Tug-of-War Team
The famous Martintown Tug-of-War Team of the 1920’s won many a pull. They competed and conquered in tug-of-wars outside the county, and cherish two of these victories in particular. The first was the defeat of the most famous RCMP team of Ottawa; the second was the Eastern Canada Championship at the Ormstown Spring Fair in 1924, where they prevailed over the champion Montreal Police Team. The members of the famous team were: Steve McDonell, Callum MacDermid, Dan McDonell, Bert Urquhart, Ernie Mason, Sandy Fraser, Albert LaFlamme, Robert Ingram, Dan LaFlamme, Charles MacGregor, John McIntosh, Clifford MacDermid, Hugh MacDermid, Alistar Urquhart, and Robert Sterling. Carson Seguin, Dougal Campbell and Fred Coleman were alternates who often pulled with the team.