Gordon MacNeil

Gordon McNeil, 79-year-old horseman, Williamstown, is rated among the premier drivers in Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec plus the Ottawa Ex and the Toronto Royal. He established that reputation beginning at the Avonmore Fair when he was six years old.

Gordon McNeil, son of Peter McNeil, was born on the family homestead located south-east of Branch Corners now the area of Kraft cheese factory. The McNeils are direct descendants of Sir John Johnston one of the founders of Mill Town later named Williamstown.

Much of Gordon’s success is due to heredity. His father Peter McNeil, in 1916, travelled to Scotland and bought a Clydesdale horse for breeding exclusively by the United Farmers of Glengarry. In England he also bought a Hackney stud to improve his own stock of show horses. That was evidence of Peter McNeil’s judgement of horses on the hoof. Son Gordon absorbed the knowledge and added his own skills thus becoming one of the masters in the show ring.

Gordon recalls in al interesting interview of the McNeils pioneer travels to Ormstown and Ottawa fairs. The team of Hackneys, buggy, harness and tack room supplies were loaded on the scow (barge) “Chaffee” at South Lancaster wharf. By tug boat to Valleyfield and then the drive to Ormstown.

George Shepherd, Gary and Rodney’s grandfather, Alexandria station agent, arranged a cattle car at the local stockyard siding. Along with the McNeil horses and equirement they loaded the Cumming, Glen Gordon and Jack Thompson, Bainsville, show cattle, then by way freight to Bank Street yards and the few blocks to Lansdowne Fairgrounds.

Despite his boyish age, six, by this time Gordon McNeil was showing the first ritual signs of driving a pony in a show ring. So much so that his father bought pony “Nellie,” harness, buggy and cutter, from Jack McArthur, Lancaster, Jim’s father. The McNeils were then off to the Avonmore Fair and Gordon that evening proudly came home with his first “red” ribbon.

Again using that ancient sport cliche, “From that day on Gordon McNeil never looked back.” As a teenager and in maturity he drove in fair rings at home, Willaimstown, Alexandria, Maxville, Avonmore and moving on to top class competition in Ormstown, Lachute, Ottawa and the Royal in Toronto.

Distinctly recalling a Lachute Fair we attended way back about 1946 we asked Gordon why was he late that afternoon driving into the show ring just as the final call was made over the p.a. system. He leaned back in his chair and chuckled heirtily. And then told us a “horse tracing” story that is unique in equestrian sport history. “I knew my horse Clementine would be out-classed by “Red” McEwen’s horse from Russell,” Gordon told us and continued, “But I noticed as McEwen drove away from the barn that, in my judgement, he left his best horse in the stable.” I ripped the harness off my horse, hitched “Red” McEwen’s other horse to my buggy and that delay caused me to be alone too late.” My horse and Red’s looked alike and Red didn’t notice me driving his horse. The judge signalled me out first, pinned the red ribbon on the bridle and I drove back to the barn. McEwen’s other horse was classed third. When he discovered on his return to the barn that my judgement of horses was better than his, he was furious. However,” Gordon concluded, “After a couple of drinks of rye our friendship and rivalry was restored.”

Gordon McNeil was among the horseman competing at the Kenyon Agriculture Society’s centennial exhibition in Maxville this year. His reinsman record extends from 1916, age six, to 1989, his 79th year – a period of 73 years, A record that extends far beyond the Glens of Glengarry.


John Sandilands


John D. MacLeod