Roderick McRae
“Roddy” McRae, as he was popularly known throughout his life, was one of the skilled handlers of a lacrosse stick when the game was transformed from the pioneer field 12 players per team brand to the hockey pattern of “box” lacrosse in the 1930s. Roddy played lacrosse with the Dalhousie Club and also hockey at the time when the Border League provided the hockey entertainment in Glengarry-Soulanges counties following World War Two.
Although only 5 feet 9 inches in height and about 170 on the scales, as described by old time Dalhousie sportsman Harry McDougall, Roddy, due to his daily farm work matured to a rugged young man physically fitted to play a leading role in lacrosse and hockey.
That characteristic became evident to intermediate lacrosse fans of the Glengarry League in the 1930s. Roddy was among the leaders of the Dalhousie team that won the 1934 championship and played Burlington in the Ontario finals.
Roddy McRae was a stalwart two way hockey player with Dalhousie in the Border League. When still a junior, Roddy was a walk-on at Canadiens Major Junior camp in Cornwall. In that era, there were no draft classes, if a player felt he might have a chance he just reported to the officials. Hence the term “walk-on”.
After retiring from hockey, Roddy MacRae enjoy all matters in the while working. That was during the years but then failing retirement. In 1980, gedness was being saminal illness. Journeyman athlete distinguished classified they are essential in greats especially in lacrosse, baseball, and hockey.