Jerry Gagnier

In the chapters of Glengarry sports history there are listed a few noteworthy athletes who were journey men players excelling in all three games: hockey, lacrosse and football.

Prominent among those of that distinguished category was Alexandria’s Jerry Gagnier. He was of the stalwart defencemen stripe anchoring Alexandria’s first ever soccer team in the newly organized (1924) Glengarry Association, he played hockey for a decade following World War One and was a member of the town’s Eastern Ontario 1925 and ‘26 intermediate lacrosse champions. He played the same role in the hockey style box lacrosse launched in the early 1930s.

Jerry Gagnier was born May 10, 1892, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Gagnier operators of the Atlantic Hotel station, at that time. After attending local schools, Gerry worked in Western Canada for a short while. Returning home he joined his parents and family on their newly acquired 4th Kenyon farm. It was at this time Jerry began his athletic and sportsman career that extended over a period of 20 years by playing football with the concession team. In addition to his brother Joe, other players were: Donald McDouglad, Allan MacKinnon, Ambrose and Joe Kennedy, the Gauthier brothers, Charlie (later Father Gauthier), Hugh Allan and John, plus the Eigg Road McCormicks.

Many legends have been told of Jerry’s sportsmanship and their Reo one-ton stake body truck. Jerry had two padded benches made that fitted along the stake sides. This was the transportation means for lacrosse fans to games in Cornwall, St. Andrew’s and Harrisons Corners. Return fare was 25 cents and to an exhibition game in Montreal (Point St. Charles grounds), cost half a buck. If there were a few without the silver charge standing around. Jerry opened the rear stake-gate and “hoisted” them on board flashing a big grin.

A summary of Jerry Gagnier’s distinguished citizenship and athletic prowness was fittingly told by The Glengarry News editor’s tribute at the time of Jerry’s death, July 19, 1938. “Seldom has such a cloud of gloom overcast this town as was the case Tuesday when word of Jerry Gagnier’s passing circulated.” Lacrosse, which was his favorite sport, was the main channel through which Jerry came to be so widely known and beloved throughout Glengarry and its environs and in return he game the game as unswerving loyalty and love which was reflected in his steady, highly effective play on Alexandria teams during the past 20 years. Both in the old field game and in the newer box variety. “The old horse” as he was affectionately known to the fans came to be regarded as a necessary adjunct to any winning Alexandria team, even more so when he had reached an age which entitled him to rest of his laurels.”

Jerry Gagnier was married to the former Blanche Dumouchel and they had three children, Lloyd, Laurent and Georgette.


John J. MacDonald


Alex Sullivan