Rev. Duncan MacDonald
Duncan MacDonald was a son of Donald “Baker” MacDonald and his wife Elizabeth MacDonald, Glen Sandfield. He attended elementary school in his home section and then graduated from Alexandria High School. Apart from classes he worked on the homestead farm. But it wasn’t all work. With his brothers John and Donald, he formed a trio of stalwart soccer players with Glen Sandfield in the pioneer era of the game in Glengarry.
With thoughts of the priesthood in mind, Duncan MacDonald enrolled at Ottawa College (now Ottawa U.) and, deeply interested in athletics, joined the college football team. That despite the fact he had never played that type of football.
All he had to acquire were a few fundamental points. Physically he was at the head of the class. The 200-lb., sixfooter, all brawn and agility, became the tough anchorman on the line.
He was among the leaders in the first few games and so impressed Ottawa sport writers they dubbed him “Big Dunc” MacDonald.
That was his first year at college. In due course the team was molded into championship class. In 1889 and ‘90 they ruled Canadian football and were crowned Dominion champions, the Grey Cup of today. Following those historic football days at Ottawa College, “Big Dunc” hung up his cleats and football gear. He was now studying in Montreal for the priesthood.
On December 22, 1894, one of Canada’s great football players became Father Duncan McDonald at his ordination in Montreal.