Theresa Hébert Forsyth

Mrs. Forsythe is the former Theresa Hébert, daughter of John Hebert and his wife Leopoldine Fortier, Lancaster.

From Lancaster elementary school “Terry" moved on to Williamstown High School. Here she became quite a student athlete in intercollegiate field days, upholding the athletic heritage of that noted county seat of learning.

Following graduation, 1943, World War Two was calling on our youth and Terry Hébert answered loyally, enlisting with the Women’s Division, RCFA and was stationed at Aylmer, Ontario. Although proficient in swimming, badminton, track and field, “Terry” excelled in softball and basketball. She played first base on the champion team of No. 1 Training Command and was a member of the Western Ontario Basketball champions.

“Terry” Hebert was posted overseas in 1944 and as a member of the Bomber Group Headquarter her team won the Overseas RCAF Women’s softball championship played in Edinburgh, Scotland. Basketball became her favorite game, despite the fact as a member of the RCAF women’s track team she competed in the All Canadian Track and Field meet held at the famed Wembley Stadium in London, England.

In 1946 Terry played with the softball team in the Cornwall City League, winning the trophy, and met in the playoffs Morrisburg, Brockville and Chalk River, but lost the Eastern Ontario Amateaur Softball championship to Ottawa. Turning to basketball, Terry played as a quard and, after defeating area teams in playoffs, the OCOT Golds won the Ottawa and District Intermediate Women’s championship in 1947.

In 1948 Terry and her Golds girls played their way right to the top of the Dominion Intermediate Basketball championship, but were defeated by Hamilton’s Zion Ramblers by the narrow margin of 26-24.

Undaunted by defeat, the Golds OCOT girls resumed their next year’s practice and playing schedule with one purpose in mind and that was to win the coveted Dominion Trophy. They achieved the first step of their ambitious route by dedfeating the Ottawa District champions. Then it was on to Toronto to meet the famed Montgomery Debs, mighty rulers of the basketball court. So full of pride and self confidence, Toronto referred to the series in typical “Hogtown” fashion. The Deb’s coach quipped, “We shouldn’t have any trouble with those farmers.” What a jolt the coach and his Debs received in the first game when the Golds won 22-16.

Terry Hebert was in red and Coach Kaneb was forced to keep his star and team inspiration leader on the bench for the second game. The Golds played with determination and scored point for point with Debs. At the final whistle the score was tied 45-45. In the first minutes of overtime play, each team scored a basket. Time was running and apparently Coach Kaneb, as great coaches always do, gambled that Terry Hebert’s injured knee would stand the strain of a last-minute rally. Nick sent her into the game. Knowing that Hebert had to be stopped some way, Terry was fouled. Would this be another dramatic moment by a Glengarry athlete that has so enriched our sport heritage? Terry’s free shot arched directly into the hoop web and the Golds, the bunch of farmers, were Dominion Intermediate Basketball Champions, 1949.

Among the boisterous Cornwall fans who greeted the girls on their return, apparently in Terry Hebert’s estimation there was one in particular and that was “Bill” Forsythe.

In 1951 that assumption became a reality when Terry Hebert became Mrs. William “Bill” Forsythe. Their first home was in Summerstown. They now reside in Glen Walter.


Donald A. MacDonald


Lawrence "Marbles" Currier