John Jamieson

John Jamieson’s parents were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Billy) Jamieson. Their farm home was on the fringe of Sorn, Ayreshire, south of Glasgow. John was born there, October 10, 1903.

At age 22, in 1925, John Jamieson bade a tearful farewell to his parents and family. He was on his way to Canada. What a contrast it was for John to find his bearings in Montreal.

Filled with courage and ambition, he was determined to hurdle all obstacles and be successful in his own humble way.

John Jamieson worked at several menial jobs for a while. He player some soccer. The Blue Bonnets Soccer Club was impressed with his goal keeping prowess. This led not only to his signing with the club, but also a lucrative position with Consumer Glass.

At the time, in the late ‘20s, soccer in Montreal was at the top level, on a par with international play. Those were the glory days of Canada Car “Carsteel,” C.N.R. (Point St. Charles), Canadian Vickers and Blue Bonnets, to mention a few.

In 1930 Blue Bonnets defeated Carsteel for the Quebec Cup. John Jamieson was rated the top goalie. He was chosen the goal keeper for the Monteal All Stars team to play against the visiting Welsh International team. He was also chosen goalie for the Montreal-Toronto inter-city championship series. He was rewarded with several medals and silver trophies.

John Jamieson’s skill as a goal keeper drew the attention of the New York Giants soccer club playing at Shea Stadium. He reported to their training camp. However, the salary offered wasn’t attractive enough for him to move to New York.

In 1984 the Jamiesons took over the mercantile business of Mrs. Jamieson’s father, H.A. Christie. By a pleasant coincidence, John Jamieson’s arrival in Maxville was at a time that reminded him of the cultural traditions and heritage of his beloved Scotland, the launching of the Glengarry Highland Games.

As one would expect of a popular, energetic citizen, John Jamieson in a short while became involved in community work, especially the executive promotion of the Highland Games.

In the 1954 John Jamieson was elected president of the Games. He was re-elected in 1955 and 1956, the first president to serve three consecutive terms. His dedication and sound leadership prompted the executive to appoint John Jamieson to the post of secretary. He filled this important role for the next 25 years. He was ably assisted by Mrs. Jamieson.

During all those years John Jamieson found time to apply his organizing skills to other matters in the interest of the Games. In the opening years the executive had to arrange with a visiting pipe-major to have his band play as the duty band. This arrangement was not always satisfactory. Noting this, John Jamieson led in re-organizing the Glengarry Pipe Band. With no Highland Games, we might not have our present band.

John Jamieson was the innovator of the attractive opening number, the dance of the Highland Fling by scores of Rae MacCulloch’s lassies. And there was for years the taxing responsibility of handling the reserved grandstand seats. Mrs. Jamieson excelled in efficiency by mail, phone and the office.

When John Jamieson retired in 1980 after serving as secretary for 25 years, plus three terms as president and a multitude of varied tasks, the executive wished the show its appreciation in an historic way. John Jamieson was invited to officially open the 1981 Games.

The niche of John Jamieson to be unveiled in the Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame, Wednesday, July 10, 1985, will be one more worthy and deserving memorial of the builders of the Glengarry Highland Games.


Ian MacLeod


William Hay