Pipe Major John Thomas Mackenzie

Pipe Major John Thomas MacKenzie is another rightfully classed as a Glengarrian by adoption. Pipie, as he is popularly known among his legions of friends, was born September 16th, 1920, as the son of Mr. and Mrs. William MacKenzie, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

In his youthful student classes, apart from academics, he was prominent in athletics, especially boxing and soccer. He excelled in piping too, when he had time available.

He was advised to give up boxing and concentrate on the chanter and booting a soccer ball. He became a pro prospect with the British Army team and later joined the Scottish Nationals, Second Division.

A Pipe Major at just 15, this proved to be his vocation in life. Pipe Major J.T. MacKenzie can be justifiably rated among the great pipers of our time, from anywhere.

After serving in World War II and as a Pipe Major in various places concluding at Rockcliffe, Ottawa. Pipe Major MacKenzie and family moved to Maxville. His accomplishments as a teacher of pipe music during the past years are beyond our fondest dreams of reviving our heritage that was at an all time low. Add the same measurement of contribution to the progress of the Glengarry Highland Games now setting band attendance records of any Games in North America.

John Thomas MacKenzie married a Scottish lass in Edinburgh, Agnes Munro. They had a son Ian, and two daughters Marilyn and Janice. Sadly, Pipe Major John Thomas MacKenzie died in 2004.


Laura Ross


Msgr. Ewen John Macdonald