1913 Alexandria Lacrosse Team

In 1913 the Alexandria lacrosse team defeated Ottawa in the Eastern Ontario finals. An Ontario championship was arranged between Brampton, the Western Ontario champions, and Alexandria.

Neither club had the necessary funds for travelling expenses so the home and home total goals series had to be cancelled.

That Alexandria club of 1913 has been inducted in to the Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame to share a niche with the Martintown tug-of-war 1924 champions of Eastern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. In the wings waiting their induction turn is the Williamstown Hockey Club, 1912 and the Alexandria team also of 1913.

Members of the Alexandria Lacrosse Club 1913 Lower Ottawa Valley champions are: John McIntosh, brother of Dr.D. D. McIntosh; John ‘Danny Kenneth’ McDonald; Archie McPhee, later Dr. McPhee, Killaloe; George McKinnon, the McKinnons lived on Harrison Street; Gordon ‘Donald Roy’ McDonald; Hugh Allan Gauthier, brother of Father Gauthier; Donald John ‘Little Archie’ McMillan. Edgar McRae, Glengarry ag-rep; Jim McCaffrey, Ottawa-Alexandria; Joe Marcoux, later Marcoux and Gagnier; Alex Cameron, later Father Cameron; George ‘Zic McIsassc’ McDonald; George Robinson, grand uncle Brookes Robinson, Baltimore Orioles and U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, N.Y.; Joe Grant, uncle of Mrs. Helen Kaufmann and Marguerite Seger; Neil McCormick later Father McCormick. Charlie Gauthier, coach, later Father Gauthier; Felix DaPrato, manager, grandfather of Allan DaPrato and Mrs. Ken Oma; Dave Courville, comm. hardware merchant; D.A. Grant father of Rae MacCulloch and Sybil Cameron; Dr. J. T. Hope, honorary president, Alexandria’s ‘Country Dr.’ and all round sportsman. Among the many next-of-kin are Jim Graham and Mrs. Doug Baxter; F. Massey, bank manager and president; Dean Rowe, comm. Scheels Mfg.; Eddie McGillivray, secretary and noted sportsman.

The Glengarry News in front page reporting of the Ottawa-Alexandria series related that on Saturday, September 5, 1913, a special train conveyed Glengarry lacrosse fans to Ottawa by the hundreds. Ottawa won the first game 3-2 but the Alexandria players were neither out-played nor out-classed by the strong Ottawa team led by Cecil Duncan. Prominent for Alexandria was Alex Cameron, Joe Marcoux and Dr. Tallon (Cornwall import allowed).

In the return game at the Alexandria Fairgrounds (opposite the Monastery) Alexandria held Ottawa scoreless mainly due to superb goalkeeping by Jim McCaffrey, winning the game 2-0 and the round 4-3.


Henry Dumouchel


Jerimiah "Jerry" Sullivan